Advanced project for home automation
Schematics on Fritzing
Source code on github
ImagesStretcher for people with disabilities that can rotate using eye movement
Schematics on Fritzing
Source code on GitHub,
3D models on Thingiverse
Video on YouTube
Use computer vision to determine distance with high precision
Video on YouTube
ImagesShield for Voice recognition for Arduino
Schematics in Fritzing
ImagesCreate image over sand using projector and kinect
Source on GitHubSend IR code like a remote for switch between audio and audio comments for blindness people
Source code on CodebenderControl box for blindness people usefull to control computer
Source code on CodebenderCapture face using the computer camera and create a fake driver licence
Source in GitHub
My quadpod project (suspended to create esapod)
ImagesMy esapod project
3D models on Thingiverse
ImagesRgb led follow who moves in front of webcam
Source code on GitHub
Use the Ohm's law to find the value of a resistor using Arduino
Source code on GitHub
Simply i2c bus for comunication between RaspberryPi and multiple Arduinos
Original idea and code link
created by Peter Mount
Schematics and code on Fritzing
Use a RaspberryPi as server for Wikipedia Offline, Khan academy and OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) book collection
based on Rachel Project (